Professionalism is conduct reflecting the values embodied in the Colorado Attorney Oath of Admission, the Colorado Principles of Professionalism, and the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct. These values require attorneys always to act competently, civilly, and with integrity and to commit themselves to the public good and to furthering the interests of justice.
“[A]bove all, a lawyer will find his highest honor in a deserved reputation for fidelity to private trust and to public duty, as an honest man and as a patriotic and loyal citizen.” Am. Bar Ass’n Canons of Ethics 32 (1908).
“The strength of a lawyer is in thorough knowledge of legal truth, in thorough devotion to legal right. Truth and integrity can do more in the profession than the subtlest and wiliest devices. The power of integrity is the rule . . . the general law of the profession is duty, not success. Professional duty, faithfully and well performed, is the lawyer’s glory.” –Edward G. Ryan, Chief Justice, Wisconsin Supreme Court, 1874-1880.
The combined Professionalism Coordinating Council of the Colorado Bar Association and Denver Bar Association works to implement the Principles of Professionalism among members of the Bar, and improve professional conduct by lawyers and judges in light of the lawyers’ Oath of Admission and the reasonable expectations of the bench, bar, and the public. The Council sponsors a Speaker’s Bureau to speak to groups of professionals, and presents to law students about principles of professional behavior. The Council has also produced a video vignette series for use in professionalism and ethical CLEs and discussions.
The Council has 178 members, and meets on the second Wednesday of every month at the Bar Association offices at 1290 Broadway, Suite 1700, Denver, Colorado.
Committee Chairs: Hon. Jonathon Shamis and Erika Holmes
CBA Staff Liaison: Ashley Staab, [email protected]