Statement of Purpose
The Resolution Corps is a virtual mediation program administered by the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section of the Colorado Bar Association to meet the rising need for access to swift, fair, and cost-effective dispute resolution. The program serves people across all counties of Colorado. The Resolution Corps mediators are experienced ADR Section members who have expertise in virtual mediation services. They provide both paid and pro bono services.
The Resolution Corps strives to advance equity in the practice of ADR and strive to remove barriers for success within the ADR Section and the greater Colorado legal community for underrepresented groups.
How does the Resolution Corps work?
· Panel. The Resolution Corps provides CBA Members and the public with access to a panel of mediators with knowledge and expertise in virtual mediation.
· Continuing Education. The Resolution Corps provides educational resources, mentorship opportunities and trainings for ADR Section Members and the public regarding VDR.
· Client Referral Source. The Resolution Corps provides panelists with a client referral source for mediations.
· Standards of Practice. The Resolution Corps is guided by the ABA Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators as adopted by the CBA ADR Section.
If you have any questions, please contact Kavan Ossentjuk