Health Law Section

Serves as a forum for attorneys practicing in the area of health law and for healthcare professionals to expand their knowledge and understanding of the laws and procedures governing or related to health care. The section provides topical luncheons and substantive programs on a regular basis, and co-sponsors seminars with healthcare organizations and with CBA/CLECI and other CBA sections or committees. The section is composed of attorneys interested in a variety of areas in the field of health law and strives to obtain, through its programs, newsletter, listserv and other publications, better communication regarding health law matters among its members and health care professionals.

Health Law CLE Home Studies

Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) & Colorado's Durable Medical Power of Attorney (DMPOA)

Co-Sponsored by the Trust & Estate Section of the Colorado Bar Association... view product

2024 Health Law Symposium

Co-sponsored by the CBA Health Law Section ... view product

Psychological Testing During PREs: What and Why

Co-sponsored by the CBA Family Law Section... view product


CBA Thrive

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