Criminal Law Section

Addresses problems and interests of lawyers handling criminal cases. This is accomplished by bringing together a balanced, cooperative group of judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys from private practice, public defenders, and academic representatives from our law schools. The section analyzes criminal justice bills pending in the Colorado legislature and makes recommendations on those bills to the CBA Board of Governors, where appropriate. It is also concerned with court rules and procedures. It has sponsored law student research projects in areas of current interest to criminal law practitioners and occasionally proposes new legislation. It has sponsored a regular column on current criminal law issues in The Colorado Lawyer and a criminal law seminar each spring in conjunction with Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc.

Upcoming Criminal Law CLE Events

Criminal Law CLE Home Studies

Limitations on 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms After Rahimi

SCOTUS's 2024 Term... view product

From Colorado Convictions to Crossing the 49th Parallel

Exploring the Impact of Colorado Criminal Convictions and Entering Canada... view product

Kids With Firearms: 25 Years After Columbine

Co-Sponsored by the Criminal Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association... view product


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