A Joint Project of
The Colorado Bar Association Ethics Committee
Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc.
[Formal Ethics Opinions are issued for advisory purposes only and are not in any way binding on the Colorado Supreme Court, the Presiding Disciplinary Judge, the Attorney Regulation Committee, or the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel and do not provide protection against disciplinary actions.]
Notwithstanding the copyright notice appearing in this publication, formal opinions of the Colorado Bar Association Ethics Committee may be reproduced in single or multiple copies: (1) by libraries for traditional multiple library use, including copies for reserve room use, extra copies for faculty-student dissemination and interlibrary use; (2) by legal practitioners for their own use and the use of members and associates of the firm or office in which they practice; and (3) by individuals for classroom teaching purposes. All other copyright interests are expressly reserved, including, without limitation, the right to prohibit copying for resale purposes.
8 Office sharing — “associates,” 6/26/59; addendum issued 1995
9 Office sharing — “associates,” 6/26/59; addendum issued 1995
11 Law practice in combination with insurance sales, 1/11/60; addendum issued 7/24/93, Withdrawn 10/17/2015
12 Title opinion for lending institution, disclosure to customer, 3/26/60
13 Office sharing — municipal judge, 3/26/60; revised 5/18/96
14 Attorney as city councilman, 3/26/60; addendum issued 1996; addendum issued 2009
17 Preparation of legal documents in real property sale, 1/20/61; addendum issued 1995
20 Fee collection, 6/23/61; addendum issued 1995
23 Representation of guardian for minor in personal injury settlement, 7/20/62; addendum issued 1995
24 Offices on client’s property, 7/20/62; addendum issued 1995
25 Use of attorney’s signature on collection case summons, 8/25/62; addendum issued 1995
26 Real estate commission for attorney-executor, 9/28/62; addendum issued 1995, Withdrawn 10/17/2015
28 Letterhead; revised 4/28/73; revised 7/24/93
29 Representation of seller, buyer or borrower by lawyer for financial institution, 1/18/64
31 Publications, pending litigation, 6/6/64
33 Contributions, judicial campaign, 6/6/64
34 Advancement of living expenses for personal injury client, 3/27/65; addendum issued 1995
38 Referral fees, 6/4/66; addendum issued 1995
40 Accepting case handled by another lawyer, 2/3/68; addendum issued 1995
43 Duty to insured, 12/13/69; addendum issued 1995
45 Representation of client by part-time judge; revised 6/16/84; addendum issued 1996
46 Municipal attorney, representation of defendants, 2/20/71; revised 5/18/96
47 Attorney representation in dissolution of marriage, 2/26/72; addendum issued 1995
48 Representation of public body, conflict of interest, 6/3/72; revised 5/18/97
50 Definition of associates as applied to lawyers, 11/29/72; addendum issued 1995
52 Spouse-Attorneys Representing Clients, Conflicts of Interest, 12/17/75; Withdrawn 3/16/13
54 Fees charged in foreclosure or redemption, undated; addendum issued 1995
55 Partnership which includes professional corporation, undated; addendum issued 1995
56 Settlement of lawyer malpractice, withdrawal of grievance complaint, 3/22/80; addenda issued 1995 and 1998
57 Conflicts of interest, 3/21/81; addendum issued 1995: Withdrawn on 10/17/15
58 Water rights, representation of multiple clients, 3/21/81; revised 10/14/95
59 Legal services programs, 1/23/82; addendum issued 1995
60 Duty with respect to client’s incriminating physical evidence, 7/24/82, Revised 2/8/2025
61 Legal assistants, 10/23/82; addendum issued 1995
62 Duties of public prosecutor, release of defendant’s civil claims, 11/20/82; revised 11/19/88; addendum issued 1995
63 Lawyer’s relationship with a traffic clinic, 2/19/83; addendum issued 1995
64 Duty of attorney to report an ethical violation, 4/23/83; amended 6/15/96
65 Guidelines for opposing counsel contacting witnesses, 3/17/84; Withdrawn on 10/10/2020
66 Imposition of interest or finance charges on client accounts, 10/20/84/ revised 10/5/2016
67 Contingent fee arrangement in child support and spousal maintenance cases, 3/16/85; addendum issued 1995
68 Conflicts of interest: propriety of multiple representation, 4/20/85; revised 12/09/11
69 Propriety of communicating with employee or former employee of an adverse party organization; 2010 revision
70 Juror communications, 9/21/85; addendum issued 1995
71 Ex parte communications with treating physicians; revised 9/21/85; addendum issued 4/18/92
72 Recovery of attorney fee by lender using in-house counsel, 4/19/86; revised 1/19/91; addendum issued 1995
73 Contact with insurance adjuster, 5/17/86
74 Lawyer newsletters, 7/26/86; addendum issued 1995
75 Spousal Conflicts, 6/20/87; addendum issued 1995; Withdrawn 3/16/13
76 Lawyer advertising guidelines, 10/17/87; addendum issued 1995
77 Participation with medical-legal consulting firm: contingent fee, 3/19/88
78 Disqualification of the advocate/witness, 6/18/88; revised 6/18/94, 5/10/97, and 10/20/12
79 Use of legal assistants in client representation, 2/18/89; addendum issued 1995
80 Lawyer’s duty to disclose mistakes in commercial closing, 2/18/89; addendum issued 1995; Revised 7-8-2019
81 Lawyer’s participation in prepaid legal service plans, 3/18/89
82 Assertion of attorney’s retaining lien on client’s papers, 4/15/89; addendum issued 1995
83 Lawyer advertising, solicitation and publicity, 11/18/89; addendum issued 7/24/93 Withdrawn 09/21/13
84 Listing of support personnel names on letterhead and business cards, 2/26/90; addendum issued 1995
85 Release and settlement of legal malpractice claims, 5/19/90; addenda issued 1995 and 1998
86 Use of subpoenas in civil actions and proceedings, 1/17/98; Withdrawn 3/16/13
87 Collaboration with non-lawyers in preparation and marketing of estate planning documents, 7/14/90; revised 12/14/91; addendum issued 1995
88 Use and misuse of “confidentiality walls,” 5/18/91; amended 4/18/92; Withdrawn 7/2008
89 Office sharing and Virtual Offices, 9/21/91, revised and reissued 3/12/2018
90 Preservation of client confidences in view of modern communications technology, 11/14/92, amended 07/18
91 Ethical duties of attorney selected by insurer to represent its insured, 1/16/93; addendum issued 2013
92 Practice restrictions in settlement agreements, 6/19/93
93 Ex parte contacts with government officials, 10/16/93, amended 02/16
94 Ethical duties relating to a client’s property held by a lawyer in which a third party has an interest, 11/20/93; addendum issued 2006
95 Funds of missing clients, 11/20/93; Withdrawn 5/21/2016
96 Ex parte communications with represented persons during criminal and civil regulatory/investigations and proceedings, 7/15/94; Revised 3/17/12
97 Ethical considerations where an attorney or the attorney’s partner serves on the board of a public entity, 6/17/95
98 Ethical Responsibilities of Lawyers who Engage in other Businesses, adopted 01/17/15, superseding opinion 98 12/14/96
99 Use of credit cards to pay for legal services, 5/10/97
100 Use of conversion clauses in contingent fee agreements, 6/21/97
101 Unbundled legal services, new opinion approved 05/2016
102 Use of subpoenas in criminal proceedings, 3/21/98
103 Propriety of compensating a non-expert witness in a civil action, 12/19/98
104 Surrender of papers to the client upon termination of the representation, 4/17/99, revised 09/15/18
105 Opinion on temporary lawyers, 5/22/99
106 Referral fees and networking organizations, 6/19/99; revised 10/21/2013
107 Third-party auditors, 9/18/99
108 Inadvertent disclosure of privileged or confidential documents, 5/20/00, revised 12/15/18
109 Acquiring an ownership interest in a client, 5/19/01; annotated 6/20/09 and 08/06/15
110 Assertion of attorney’s charging lien/security interest in property, 1/19/02; amended 5/02
111 Communicating with represented person for the purpose of providing a “second opinion,” 1/19/02
112 Surreptitious recording of conversations or statements, 7/19/03
113 Ethical duty of attorney to disclose errors to client, 11/19/05, Modified 07/18/2015 solely to reflect 01/01/2008 changes in the Rules of Professional Conduct.
114 Responsibilities of respondent parents’ attorneys in dependency and neglect proceedings, 10/14/06, revised 06/19/2010
115 Ethical considerations in the collaborative and cooperative law contexts, 2/24/07
116 Ethical considerations in the dissolution of a law firm or a lawyer’s departure from a law firm, 3/17/07
117 Ethical responsibilities of attorneys in legal services and pro bono programs concerning prospective clients, 6/16/07
118 Handling of funds disputed after proper withdrawal from trust account, 2/12/08
119 Disclosure, review, and use of metadata, 5/17/08
120 Representing an organization as a party in a dispute, 5/17/08
121 Use of temporary lawyers and other professionals not admitted to practice in Colorado (“outsourcing”), 6/2009
122 The applicability of Colo. RPC 7.2 to internet-based lawyer marketing programs, 10/16/2010
123 Candor to the Tribunal and Remedial Measures in Civil Proceedings, 06/18/2011
124 A Lawyer’s Medical Use of Marijuana, 4/23/12
125 The Extent to Which Lawyers May Represent Clients Regarding Marijuana-Related Activities, 10/21/13; addendum issued 10/21/2013 [Withdrawn 5/17/14]
126 Representing the Adult Client With Diminished Capacity, 5/06/2015
127 Use of Social Media for Investigative Purposes, 09/2015
128 Ethical Duties of Lawyer Who Cannot Contact Client, 10/17/2015
129 Ethical Duties of Lawyer Paid by One Other than the Client 03/18/2017
130 Online Posting and Sharing of Materials Related to the Representation of a Client 04/03/2017, Revised 11/17/2018
131 Representing Clients With Diminished Capacity Where the Subject of the Representation Is the Client’s Diminished Capacity 09/13/2017
132 Duties of Confidentiality of Will Drafter Upon Death of Testator 09/26/2017 Revised 07/10/2021
133 Ethical Duties of a Lawyer who is Party to a Matter Speaking with a Represented Party 10/27/2017
134 Ethics of Preparing Agreements for Jointly Represented Clients in Litigation to Make Collective Settlement Decisions 01/04/2018
135 Ethical Considerations in the Joint Representation of Clients in the Same Matter or Proceeding 02/20/2018
136 A Lawyer's Response To A Client's Online Public Commentary Concerning The Lawyer 03/18/2019
Opinion 136 has recently been disagreed with by the ABA Opinion 496
On January 13, 2021, the American Bar Association issued its Opinion 496 which disagrees with Colorado Bar Association 136. Attorneys seeking additional guidance regarding the issue of responding to a client's online public commentary concerning the lawyer may also wish to consider the ABA's Opinion."
137 Advising, Directing, and Supervising Others in Lawful Investigative Activities That Involve Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation 05/18/19
138 Ethical Duties Pertaining to Lawyers Consulting About a Client's Matter 11/01/2019
139 Division of Fees Between Firms and Lawyers Who are 'Of Counsel' 12/30/2019
140 Ethical Issues When a Lawyer Serves as an Escrow Agent 3/24/2020
141 Ethical Duties Arising from Data Breach 7/20/2020
142 A Lawyer's Duty to Inquire 7/10/2021
143 Foundations of a fee agreement 7-29-2021, Revised April 2022
144 Ethical Issues When a Lawyer is Faced with Questions about the Amount a Client May Owe a Third Person for Medical Expenses at the Conclusion of a Personal Injury Case 11-13-2021
145 Discrimination Bias 05/14/2022
146 Duty of Workload 11/07/2022
147 Expecting the Unexpected: Ethical Considerations In Succession Planning 1/18/2024
148 Ethical Issues When a Lawyer Includes a Client in a Group Email or Text to Counsel For Other Parties 3-6-2024
149 Ethical Obligations for Lawyers Engaging in Virtual Practice 3-8-2024
8 Office sharing — “associates,” 6/26/59; addendum issued 1995
9 Office sharing — “associates,” 6/26/59; addendum issued 1995
11 Law practice in combination with insurance sales, 1/11/60; addendum issued 7/24/93, Withdrawn 10/17/2015
12 Title opinion for lending institution, disclosure to customer, 3/26/60
13 Office sharing — municipal judge, 3/26/60; revised 5/18/96
14 Attorney as city councilman, 3/26/60; addendum issued 1996; addendum issued 2009
17 Preparation of legal documents in real property sale, 1/20/61; addendum issued 1995
20 Fee collection, 6/23/61; addendum issued 1995
23 Representation of guardian for minor in personal injury settlement, 7/20/62; addendum issued 1995
24 Offices on client’s property, 7/20/62; addendum issued 1995
25 Use of attorney’s signature on collection case summons, 8/25/62; addendum issued 1995
26 Real estate commission for attorney-executor, 9/28/62; addendum issued 1995, Withdrawn 10/17/2015
28 Letterhead; revised 4/28/73; revised 7/24/93
29 Representation of seller, buyer or borrower by lawyer for financial institution, 1/18/64
31 Publications, pending litigation, 6/6/64
33 Contributions, judicial campaign, 6/6/64
34 Advancement of living expenses for personal injury client, 3/27/65; addendum issued 1995
38 Referral fees, 6/4/66; addendum issued 1995
40 Accepting case handled by another lawyer, 2/3/68; addendum issued 1995
43 Duty to insured, 12/13/69; addendum issued 1995
45 Representation of client by part-time judge; revised 6/16/84; addendum issued 1996
46 Municipal attorney, representation of defendants, 2/20/71; revised 5/18/96
47 Attorney representation in dissolution of marriage, 2/26/72; addendum issued 1995
48 Representation of public body, conflict of interest, 6/3/72; revised 5/18/97
50 Definition of associates as applied to lawyers, 11/29/72; addendum issued 1995
52 Spouse-Attorneys Representing Clients, Conflicts of Interest, 12/17/75; Withdrawn 3/16/13
54 Fees charged in foreclosure or redemption, undated; addendum issued 1995
55 Partnership which includes professional corporation, undated; addendum issued 1995
56 Settlement of lawyer malpractice, withdrawal of grievance complaint, 3/22/80; addenda issued 1995 and 1998
57 Conflicts of interest, 3/21/81; addendum issued 1995: Withdrawn on 10/17/15
58 Water rights, representation of multiple clients, 3/21/81; revised 10/14/95
59 Legal services programs, 1/23/82; addendum issued 1995
60 Duty with respect to client’s incriminating physical evidence, 7/24/82
61 Legal assistants, 10/23/82; addendum issued 1995
62 Duties of public prosecutor, release of defendant’s civil claims, 11/20/82; revised 11/19/88; addendum issued 1995
63 Lawyer’s relationship with a traffic clinic, 2/19/83; addendum issued 1995
64 Duty of attorney to report an ethical violation, 4/23/83; amended 6/15/96
65 Guidelines for opposing counsel contacting witnesses, 3/17/84; Withdrawn on 10/10/2020
66 Imposition of interest or finance charges on client accounts, 10/20/84
67 Contingent fee arrangement in child support and spousal maintenance cases, 3/16/85; addendum issued 1995
68 Conflicts of interest: propriety of multiple representation, 4/20/85; revised 12/09/11
69 Propriety of communicating with employee or former employee of an adverse party organization; 2010 revision
70 Juror communications, 9/21/85; addendum issued 1995
71 Ex parte communications with treating physicians; revised 9/21/85; addendum issued 4/18/92
72 Recovery of attorney fee by lender using in-house counsel, 4/19/86; revised 1/19/91; addendum issued 1995
73 Contact with insurance adjuster, 5/17/86
74 Lawyer newsletters, 7/26/86; addendum issued 1995
75 Spousal Conflicts, 6/20/87; addendum issued 1995; Withdrawn 3/16/13
76 Lawyer advertising guidelines, 10/17/87; addendum issued 1995
77 Participation with medical-legal consulting firm: contingent fee, 3/19/88
78 Disqualification of the advocate/witness, 6/18/88; revised 6/18/94, 5/10/97, and 10/20/12
79 Use of legal assistants in client representation, 2/18/89; addendum issued 1995
80 Lawyer’s duty to disclose mistakes in commercial closing, 2/18/89; addendum issued 1995; Revised 7-8-2019
81 Lawyer’s participation in prepaid legal service plans, 3/18/89
82 Assertion of attorney’s retaining lien on client’s papers, 4/15/89; addendum issued 1995
83 Lawyer advertising, solicitation and publicity, 11/18/89; addendum issued 7/24/93 Withdrawn 09/21/13
84 Listing of support personnel names on letterhead and business cards, 2/26/90; addendum issued 1995
85 Release and settlement of legal malpractice claims, 5/19/90; addenda issued 1995 and 1998
86 Use of subpoenas in civil actions and proceedings, 1/17/98; Withdrawn 3/16/13
87 Collaboration with non-lawyers in preparation and marketing of estate planning documents, 7/14/90; revised 12/14/91; addendum issued 1995
88 Use and misuse of “confidentiality walls,” 5/18/91; amended 4/18/92; Withdrawn 7/2008
89 Office sharing and Virtual Offices, 9/21/91, revised and reissued 3/12/2018
90 Preservation of client confidences in view of modern communications technology, 11/14/92, amended 07/18
91 Ethical duties of attorney selected by insurer to represent its insured, 1/16/93; addendum issued 2013
92 Practice restrictions in settlement agreements, 6/19/93
93 Ex parte contacts with government officials, 10/16/93, amended 02/16
94 Ethical duties relating to a client’s property held by a lawyer in which a third party has an interest, 11/20/93; addendum issued 2006
95 Funds of missing clients, 11/20/93; Withdrawn 5/21/2016
96 Ex parte communications with represented persons during criminal and civil regulatory/investigations and proceedings, 7/15/94; Revised 3/17/12
97 Ethical considerations where an attorney or the attorney’s partner serves on the board of a public entity, 6/17/95
98 Ethical Responsibilities of Lawyers who Engage in other Businesses, adopted 01/17/15, superseding opinion 98 12/14/96
99 Use of credit cards to pay for legal services, 5/10/97
100 Use of conversion clauses in contingent fee agreements, 6/21/97
101 Unbundled legal services, new opinion approved 05/2016
102 Use of subpoenas in criminal proceedings, 3/21/98
103 Propriety of compensating a non-expert witness in a civil action, 12/19/98
104 Surrender of papers to the client upon termination of the representation, 4/17/99, revised 09/15/18
105 Opinion on temporary lawyers, 5/22/99
106 Referral fees and networking organizations, 6/19/99; revised 10/21/2013
107 Third-party auditors, 9/18/99
108 Inadvertent disclosure of privileged or confidential documents, 5/20/00, revised 12/15/18
109 Acquiring an ownership interest in a client, 5/19/01; annotated 6/20/09 and 08/06/15
110 Assertion of attorney’s charging lien/security interest in property, 1/19/02; amended 5/02
111 Communicating with represented person for the purpose of providing a “second opinion,” 1/19/02
112 Surreptitious recording of conversations or statements, 7/19/03
113 Ethical duty of attorney to disclose errors to client, 11/19/05, Modified 07/18/2015 solely to reflect 01/01/2008 changes in the Rules of Professional Conduct.
114 Responsibilities of respondent parents’ attorneys in dependency and neglect proceedings, 10/14/06, revised 06/19/2010
115 Ethical considerations in the collaborative and cooperative law contexts, 2/24/07
116 Ethical considerations in the dissolution of a law firm or a lawyer’s departure from a law firm, 3/17/07
117 Ethical responsibilities of attorneys in legal services and pro bono programs concerning prospective clients, 6/16/07
118 Handling of funds disputed after proper withdrawal from trust account, 2/12/08
119 Disclosure, review, and use of metadata, 5/17/08
120 Representing an organization as a party in a dispute, 5/17/08
121 Use of temporary lawyers and other professionals not admitted to practice in Colorado (“outsourcing”), 6/2009
122 The applicability of Colo. RPC 7.2 to internet-based lawyer marketing programs, 10/16/2010
123 Candor to the Tribunal and Remedial Measures in Civil Proceedings, 06/18/2011
124 A Lawyer’s Medical Use of Marijuana, 4/23/12
125 The Extent to Which Lawyers May Represent Clients Regarding Marijuana-Related Activities, 10/21/13; addendum issued 10/21/2013 [Withdrawn 5/17/14]
126 Representing the Adult Client With Diminished Capacity, 5/06/2015
127 Use of Social Media for Investigative Purposes, 09/2015
128 Ethical Duties of Lawyer Who Cannot Contact Client, 10/17/2015
129 Ethical Duties of Lawyer Paid by One Other than the Client 03/18/2017
130 Online Posting and Sharing of Materials Related to the Representation of a Client 04/03/2017, Revised 11/17/2018
131 Representing Clients With Diminished Capacity Where the Subject of the Representation Is the Client’s Diminished Capacity 09/13/2017
132 Duties of Confidentiality of Will Drafter Upon Death of Testator 09/26/2017
133 Ethical Duties of a Lawyer who is Party to a Matter Speaking with a Represented Party 10/27/2017
134 Ethics of Preparing Agreements for Jointly Represented Clients in Litigation to Make Collective Settlement Decisions 01/04/2018
135 Ethical Considerations in the Joint Representation of Clients in the Same Matter or Proceeding 02/20/2018
136 A Lawyer's Response To A Client's Online Public Commentary Concerning The Lawyer 03/18/2019
137 Advising, Directing, and Supervising Others in Lawful Investigative Activities That Involve Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation 05/18/19
138 Ethical Duties Pertaining to Lawyers Consulting About a Client's Matter 11/01/2019
139 Division of Fees Between Firms and Lawyers Who are 'Of Counsel' 12/30/2019
140 Ethical Issues When a Lawyer Serves as an Escrow Agent 3/24/2020
141 Ethical Duties Arising from Data Breach 7/20/2020
8 Office sharing — “associates,” 6/26/59; addendum issued 1995
9 Office sharing — “associates,” 6/26/59; addendum issued 1995
11 Law practice in combination with insurance sales, 1/11/60; addendum issued 7/24/93, Withdrawn 10/17/2015
12 Title opinion for lending institution, disclosure to customer, 3/26/60
13 Office sharing — municipal judge, 3/26/60; revised 5/18/96
14 Attorney as city councilman, 3/26/60; addendum issued 1996; addendum issued 2009
17 Preparation of legal documents in real property sale, 1/20/61; addendum issued 1995
20 Fee collection, 6/23/61; addendum issued 1995
23 Representation of guardian for minor in personal injury settlement, 7/20/62; addendum issued 1995
24 Offices on client’s property, 7/20/62; addendum issued 1995
25 Use of attorney’s signature on collection case summons, 8/25/62; addendum issued 1995
26 Real estate commission for attorney-executor, 9/28/62; addendum issued 1995, Withdrawn 10/17/2015
28 Letterhead; revised 4/28/73; revised 7/24/93
29 Representation of seller, buyer or borrower by lawyer for financial institution, 1/18/64
31 Publications, pending litigation, 6/6/64
33 Contributions, judicial campaign, 6/6/64
34 Advancement of living expenses for personal injury client, 3/27/65; addendum issued 1995
38 Referral fees, 6/4/66; addendum issued 1995
40 Accepting case handled by another lawyer, 2/3/68; addendum issued 1995
43 Duty to insured, 12/13/69; addendum issued 1995
45 Representation of client by part-time judge; revised 6/16/84; addendum issued 1996
46 Municipal attorney, representation of defendants, 2/20/71; revised 5/18/96
47 Attorney representation in dissolution of marriage, 2/26/72; addendum issued 1995
48 Representation of public body, conflict of interest, 6/3/72; revised 5/18/97
50 Definition of associates as applied to lawyers, 11/29/72; addendum issued 1995
52 Spouse-Attorneys Representing Clients, Conflicts of Interest, 12/17/75; Withdrawn 3/16/13
54 Fees charged in foreclosure or redemption, undated; addendum issued 1995
55 Partnership which includes professional corporation, undated; addendum issued 1995
56 Settlement of lawyer malpractice, withdrawal of grievance complaint, 3/22/80; addenda issued 1995 and 1998
57 Conflicts of interest, 3/21/81; addendum issued 1995: Withdrawn on 10/17/15
58 Water rights, representation of multiple clients, 3/21/81; revised 10/14/95
59 Legal services programs, 1/23/82; addendum issued 1995
60 Duty with respect to client’s incriminating physical evidence, 7/24/82
61 Legal assistants, 10/23/82; addendum issued 1995
62 Duties of public prosecutor, release of defendant’s civil claims, 11/20/82; revised 11/19/88; addendum issued 1995
63 Lawyer’s relationship with a traffic clinic, 2/19/83; addendum issued 1995
64 Duty of attorney to report an ethical violation, 4/23/83; amended 6/15/96
65 Guidelines for opposing counsel contacting witnesses, 3/17/84; Withdrawn on 10/10/2020
66 Imposition of interest or finance charges on client accounts, 10/20/84
67 Contingent fee arrangement in child support and spousal maintenance cases, 3/16/85; addendum issued 1995
68 Conflicts of interest: propriety of multiple representation, 4/20/85; revised 12/09/11
69 Propriety of communicating with employee or former employee of an adverse party organization; 2010 revision
70 Juror communications, 9/21/85; addendum issued 1995
71 Ex parte communications with treating physicians; revised 9/21/85; addendum issued 4/18/92
72 Recovery of attorney fee by lender using in-house counsel, 4/19/86; revised 1/19/91; addendum issued 1995
73 Contact with insurance adjuster, 5/17/86
74 Lawyer newsletters, 7/26/86; addendum issued 1995
75 Spousal Conflicts, 6/20/87; addendum issued 1995; Withdrawn 3/16/13
76 Lawyer advertising guidelines, 10/17/87; addendum issued 1995
77 Participation with medical-legal consulting firm: contingent fee, 3/19/88
78 Disqualification of the advocate/witness, 6/18/88; revised 6/18/94, 5/10/97, and 10/20/12
79 Use of legal assistants in client representation, 2/18/89; addendum issued 1995
80 Lawyer’s duty to disclose mistakes in commercial closing, 2/18/89; addendum issued 1995; Revised 7-8-2019
81 Lawyer’s participation in prepaid legal service plans, 3/18/89
82 Assertion of attorney’s retaining lien on client’s papers, 4/15/89; addendum issued 1995
83 Lawyer advertising, solicitation and publicity, 11/18/89; addendum issued 7/24/93 Withdrawn 09/21/13
84 Listing of support personnel names on letterhead and business cards, 2/26/90; addendum issued 1995
85 Release and settlement of legal malpractice claims, 5/19/90; addenda issued 1995 and 1998
86 Use of subpoenas in civil actions and proceedings, 1/17/98; Withdrawn 3/16/13
87 Collaboration with non-lawyers in preparation and marketing of estate planning documents, 7/14/90; revised 12/14/91; addendum issued 1995
88 Use and misuse of “confidentiality walls,” 5/18/91; amended 4/18/92; Withdrawn 7/2008
89 Office sharing and Virtual Offices, 9/21/91, revised and reissued 3/12/2018
90 Preservation of client confidences in view of modern communications technology, 11/14/92, amended 07/18
91 Ethical duties of attorney selected by insurer to represent its insured, 1/16/93; addendum issued 2013
92 Practice restrictions in settlement agreements, 6/19/93
93 Ex parte contacts with government officials, 10/16/93, amended 02/16
94 Ethical duties relating to a client’s property held by a lawyer in which a third party has an interest, 11/20/93; addendum issued 2006
95 Funds of missing clients, 11/20/93; Withdrawn 5/21/2016
96 Ex parte communications with represented persons during criminal and civil regulatory/investigations and proceedings, 7/15/94; Revised 3/17/12
97 Ethical considerations where an attorney or the attorney’s partner serves on the board of a public entity, 6/17/95
98 Ethical Responsibilities of Lawyers who Engage in other Businesses, adopted 01/17/15, superseding opinion 98 12/14/96
99 Use of credit cards to pay for legal services, 5/10/97
100 Use of conversion clauses in contingent fee agreements, 6/21/97
101 Unbundled legal services, new opinion approved 05/2016
102 Use of subpoenas in criminal proceedings, 3/21/98
103 Propriety of compensating a non-expert witness in a civil action, 12/19/98
104 Surrender of papers to the client upon termination of the representation, 4/17/99, revised 09/15/18
105 Opinion on temporary lawyers, 5/22/99
106 Referral fees and networking organizations, 6/19/99; revised 10/21/2013
107 Third-party auditors, 9/18/99
108 Inadvertent disclosure of privileged or confidential documents, 5/20/00, revised 12/15/18
109 Acquiring an ownership interest in a client, 5/19/01; annotated 6/20/09 and 08/06/15
110 Assertion of attorney’s charging lien/security interest in property, 1/19/02; amended 5/02
111 Communicating with represented person for the purpose of providing a “second opinion,” 1/19/02
112 Surreptitious recording of conversations or statements, 7/19/03
113 Ethical duty of attorney to disclose errors to client, 11/19/05, Modified 07/18/2015 solely to reflect 01/01/2008 changes in the Rules of Professional Conduct.
114 Responsibilities of respondent parents’ attorneys in dependency and neglect proceedings, 10/14/06, revised 06/19/2010
115 Ethical considerations in the collaborative and cooperative law contexts, 2/24/07
116 Ethical considerations in the dissolution of a law firm or a lawyer’s departure from a law firm, 3/17/07
117 Ethical responsibilities of attorneys in legal services and pro bono programs concerning prospective clients, 6/16/07
118 Handling of funds disputed after proper withdrawal from trust account, 2/12/08
119 Disclosure, review, and use of metadata, 5/17/08
120 Representing an organization as a party in a dispute, 5/17/08
121 Use of temporary lawyers and other professionals not admitted to practice in Colorado (“outsourcing”), 6/2009
122 The applicability of Colo. RPC 7.2 to internet-based lawyer marketing programs, 10/16/2010
123 Candor to the Tribunal and Remedial Measures in Civil Proceedings, 06/18/2011
124 A Lawyer’s Medical Use of Marijuana, 4/23/12
125 The Extent to Which Lawyers May Represent Clients Regarding Marijuana-Related Activities, 10/21/13; addendum issued 10/21/2013 [Withdrawn 5/17/14]
126 Representing the Adult Client With Diminished Capacity, 5/06/2015
127 Use of Social Media for Investigative Purposes, 09/2015
128 Ethical Duties of Lawyer Who Cannot Contact Client, 10/17/2015
129 Ethical Duties of Lawyer Paid by One Other than the Client 03/18/2017
130 Online Posting and Sharing of Materials Related to the Representation of a Client 04/03/2017, Revised 11/17/2018
131 Representing Clients With Diminished Capacity Where the Subject of the Representation Is the Client’s Diminished Capacity 09/13/2017
132 Duties of Confidentiality of Will Drafter Upon Death of Testator 09/26/2017
133 Ethical Duties of a Lawyer who is Party to a Matter Speaking with a Represented Party 10/27/2017
134 Ethics of Preparing Agreements for Jointly Represented Clients in Litigation to Make Collective Settlement Decisions 01/04/2018
135 Ethical Considerations in the Joint Representation of Clients in the Same Matter or Proceeding 02/20/2018
136 A Lawyer's Response To A Client's Online Public Commentary Concerning The Lawyer 03/18/2019
137 Advising, Directing, and Supervising Others in Lawful Investigative Activities That Involve Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation 05/18/19
138 Ethical Duties Pertaining to Lawyers Consulting About a Client's Matter 11/01/2019
139 Division of Fees Between Firms and Lawyers Who are 'Of Counsel' 12/30/2019
140 Ethical Issues When a Lawyer Serves as an Escrow Agent 3/24/2020
141 Ethical Duties Arising from Data Breach 7/20/2020