The Colorado Bar Association Lawyers Professional Liability committee is a standing committee of the Colorado Bar Association for the purpose of conducting educational programs and providing educational resources for improving the quality of legal practice and avoiding legal malpractice claims. The Committee publishes materials pertaining to risk management and legal malpractice prevention; examines the market for lawyer's professional liability insurance, and recommends to the Colorado Bar Association's members an insurance program to cover professional malpractice claims or suits.
The Colorado Supreme Court, pursuant to C.R.C.P. 227(c), requires all private practice attorneys to disclose whether they carry lawyers professional liability insurance.
Lockton Affinity/CNA
The CBA is pleased to endorse a partnership to serve the malpractice insurance needs of our members. Lockton Affinity, acting as the administrator for CNA, will provide members with a new malpractice insurance program that is responsive to every area of practice in Colorado and a program superior to any program the CBA has endorsed in the past. Please reach out to Lockton Affinity to request a no obligation quote with a Business Consultation at 844-863-5948 or email Chris Powell, [email protected] or Nathan Borghardt, [email protected]
CBA-CLE provides yearly seminars on best practices and ethics in the profession. At these seminars you can learn how to better your client relations and office management, schedule and manage cases appropriately, avoid conflicts and third-party claims, and ensure ethical compliance. For more information please call CLE at 303-860-0608.
The Committee offers small group legal malpractice prevention seminars for local bar associations. Speakers are highly qualified and will speak upon your choice of topic. CLE credits are available for these presentations. If your local bar is interested, please email Kevan Ossentjuk at [email protected].
Whoops: Legal Malpractice Prevention, The Colorado Lawyer, July 2012
Potential Perils of the Professional Liability Insurance Policy, The Colorado Lawyer, Feb 1995 (available on Casemaker)
What to Look for When Purchasing Professional Liability Insurance, The Colorado Lawyer, Aug 1996 (available on Casemaker)
2009 Changes to Rule 265 And C.R.C.P. 5.4, by David C. Little, Esq.