R. Sterling Ambler Award Nomination

This Award is for “Outstanding Contribution” to the Trust and Estate practice in the State of Colorado. The Award is named in honor of R. Sterling Ambler, an exceptional attorney who practiced law in Colorado for over 50 years and who gave freely of his time and expertise to individual lawyers, to the Colorado Bar Association and to the legal profession until his death in 2004 at the age of 72.

The Award is given to an individual who has contributed substantially to furtherance of Colorado law, education of others and the Trust and Estate Section of the Colorado Bar Association.


Past Award Recipients
Bruce E. Deacon (2009)
Stanley C. Kent (2010)
John DeBruyn (2011)
Robert L. Steenrod, Jr. (2012)
Marc C. Darling (2013)
Laurie A. Hunter (2014)
Kevin D. Millard (2015)
Eugene P. Zuspann, II (2016)
Constance Wood (2017)
Dennis Whitmer (2018)
Tom Stover (2019)
Steve Brainerd (2020)
Susie Harris (2021)
Carl Glatstein (2022)
Bette Heller (2023)
David Johns (2024)


Questions? Contact Juliann Tricarico