About the Statutory Revisions Committee

The Statutory Revisions Committee (“SRC”) is the largest standing committee of the Trust & Estate Section of the Colorado Bar Association. As its name suggests, the primary function of the committee is to preserve and enhance the practice of trust and estate law in Colorado by participating in the statutory revision process. 

Throughout the year, the committee actively monitors proposed legislation in effort to determine its potential effect on the trust and estate practice.  If a connection is determined, the committee will work with sponsors and other interest groups to ensure that consistency and cohesion with existing law is achieved.  Additionally, the committee will often propose legislation if statutory changes are needed or desired.  With permission of the Colorado Bar Association’s Legislative Policy Committee, members of the committee may testify in support or opposition of proposed legislation. The committee is particularly proud of its work on Uniform Acts relating to the trust and estate practice, which are proposed for adoption by the Uniform Law Commission (f/k/a The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws).

The committee’s work is accomplished through various subcommittees.  The subcommittees are charged with reviewing, revising and drafting legislation and their work product is ultimately subject to approval by the committee as a whole.  The committee seeks and considers input from trust and estate lawyers throughout the State of Colorado.  Its general approach and philosophy is to build consensus on clarifying, improving and promoting trust and estate law in Colorado.

The committee meets between 1:30 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. on the First Wednesday of each month (with the exception of June and July). 

Co-Chair: Marianne Luu-Chen
Co-Chair: Carolyn Wiley

Meeting Materials can be found in the Trust and Estate Library on CBA Thrive