The changing legal status of cannabis creates a broad spectrum of challenges to Colorado lawyers. The Cannabis Law Section seeks to help lawyers give their clients better advice through networking, sharing educational resources including co-sponsoring the annual CBA Cannabis Law Symposium, and otherwise helping Colorado set the highest possible legal and business standards for legalized hemp and marijuana.

We are announcing our latest CBA clinic, the Cannabis Social Equity Program. If need help confirming your suitability as a social equity applicant, or if you are a social equity licensee and you need help with state or local business licensing, contract review, business formation, or other assistance navigating the legal and regulatory hurdles in the commercial cannabis industry, the Cannabis Social Equity Program might be right for you.

Volunteer attorneys are available through the Cannabis Social Equity Program to provide complementary consultations with social equity applicants and licensees. If you want to apply for the program, please click on the “I need help” button below.


I need help


If you are a lawyer who is knowledgeable in cannabis law, we have a great volunteering opportunity for you. The CBA is introducing a cannabis clinic. We need volunteers to help with licensing, local or at the state level, contract review, suitability as a social equity applicant, or business formation. We will need lawyers willing to offer consultations and possible pro bono or “modest means” basis help. If you are interested in volunteering for the clinic, please click on the Volunteer button below.




Cannabis Law CLE Home Studies

9th Annual Cannabis Symposium

Co-sponsored by the Cannabis Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association... view product

8th Annual Cannabis Symposium

Co-sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Cannabis Law Section... view product

Navigating the Intersection of Cannabis Prosecution and Immigrant Cultures in the US

Co-sponsored by APABA... view product

7th Annual Cannabis Symposium

Co-sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Cannabis Law Section... view product


CBA Thrive

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