Entertainment Sports


The Sports and Entertainment Section a forum for discussion and education on the wide variety of issues related to the practice of entertainment and sports law.  While the Section seeks to be a resource for topical items within Colorado, its reach and interest is in all things affecting our membership on a national and international scale. The Section offers resources to members representing parties in the athletic and creative arts industries, whether in private practice, as in-house counsel, or in a policy-making role. We also aim to expand the practice of entertainment and sports law and foster the growth of the creative arts and athletic industries in Colorado.

Our Legislative Liaison analyzes any bills introduced in the Colorado legislature which may affect the sports and/or entertainment sectors and makes recommendations on those bills to the CBA Board of Governors, where appropriate.

Our section often presents CLE events featuring informative presentations by industry practitioners from around the globe, and provides support for members to host these events, as well. These events touch upon timely topics of interest and issues of relevance to entertainment and sports attorneys. Our Sections meetings are generally hosted in a roundtable format and often include interesting discussions and lively Q&A. We encourage practitioners from all areas of the law to participate, as this is an interdisciplinary field, branching into many diverse areas of the law.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 pm, currently via Zoom. Please contact Dave Ratner at [email protected] to receive a link to join.

If you are interested in having one of our section members speak to your group, please contact Paul Sheehy at [email protected] or please click here to submit a speaker request.




CBA Thrive

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