
Number of Members:
Nearly 16,000

Bar Classification:
Voluntary — 32 states have a unified or mandatory bar, which means attorneys must belong to the bar in order to practice law in the state. Colorado is one of the few voluntary states, where attorneys do not need to belong to practice law.  The CBA works for the common interests of attorneys and judges and is a non-profit organization.

Assist members in improving practice quality, economics and efficiency.
Support and improve the Justice System.
Enhance public confidence in the legal profession.

Number of Local Bars:
There are 27 local bars in Colorado. Click here for a list.

There are four types of memberships.
Attorney Membership is for licensed attorneys in good standing to practice law in Colorado.  Members must also participate in one of the local bars associated with the CBA.
Associate Memberships are available for non-lawyers involved in assisting attorneys on a regular basis with the delivery of legal services. Associate members must be sponsored by an attorney who is an active CBA member.
Patron Memberships are for individuals who or organizations that provide ancillary goods or services to attorneys or the legal profession. They are not considered members, rather, Patrons of the Bar.
Student Membership is available to a student of any accredited law school. They have all the rights and privileges of active members, but can't hold office or vote.

The Board of Governors is elected on an annual basis with the exception of the Executive Director. Click here for a list of current officers.

Section Membership
The CBA have sections which covers diverse specialties of the law. Each section offers members a closer association with other professionals engaged in a similar legal specialty. Active participation provides an opportunity to express ideas, apply talents, and share experiences. Click here for a list of sections.

CBA Services:
The Bar provides opportunities for continuing education, volunteering and networking for those in the legal profession while upholding the standards of the bar. Likewise, the Bar works to secure efficient administration of justice, encourage the adoption of proper legislation and perpetuate the history of the profession and the memory of its members.  Examples of departments, programs, and services include:

  • Discounted (Continuing Legal Education) CLE courses.
  • Legislative Policy Committee reviews dozens of proposed bills that would impact members and their practices.
  • CBA's Public Relations educates journalists and the public on all the good work its members do.
  • The Bar maintains an extensive library of resource information on law practice management, technology, marketing, and finance topics and is available to members.
  • The Family Violence Program educates attorneys on family violence, increases access to the legal system for victims, monitors current education on the subject, improves how family violence programs are handled in the system, and implements pilot studies in this area of the law.
  • Public Legal Education coordinates programs such as High School Mock Trial, publishes legal resource materials, public speaking and clinics on legal topics, and hosts non-partisan informational programs to further public knowledge and understanding of state and federal courts.
  • CBA partners with DU Sturm College of Law and CU Law School to host career fairs.
  • Co-hosts admission ceremonies for new attorneys.
  • The Young Lawyers Division (YLD) provides professional development opportunities to young lawyers throughout the state by sponsoring programs which benefit young lawyers and the surrounding communities.

Colorado Lawyer
Colorado Lawyer is CBA's Official Publication and is an educational and informational resource to improve the practice of law. CL is published monthly and is a free service to all members. Members are encouraged to submit substantive or practice management articles.

Colorado Bar Foundation
The Colorado Bar Foundation was established in 1953 by members of the CBA and functions exclusively for educational and charitable purposes.  The Foundation provides grants to help educate the general public and provide assistance to the State's legal institutions. 
Financial support from the bar comes in part from voluntary contributions solicited by members, annual dues, memorial contributions, bequests made in wills, special gifts, and CBA fellows.